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Keep what's worth keeping?

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Mission Statement

At Bloom Technologies, our mission is that we strive to reduce the anxiety, monetary, and temporal loss experienced by our customers on a daily basis. Our company develops innovative technology so that you can keep what’s worth keeping.

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About Us

Our Product

Our product is a tracking sticker that utilizes powerless NFC chips. When you leave the range of the NFC chip embedded in the sticker, our downloaded-able app pins that general location. Upon re-entering the radius of the sticker, your phone will then begin communicating with the NFC chip allowing you to locate your item with pinpoint accuracy. Additionally, our sticker will act as a digital name tag allowing any smartphone user to easily scan the item and immediately receive the contact information of the owner.

"Sometimes it takes losing something to realize what you had."

We at Bloom think this is ridiculous, you can love things and not have to lose them and we can help you.

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